// Strawberry Cupcake

Hello World! Im Sunshine and im 100 years young from Saturn. Replace this nonsense intro (Y)

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Put your Cbox here. Make sure the correct measure of the width of your Cbox.

Template & Skin by : Husnaa.
Big help from : Wani | WHI | C4U | Una

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sygg hgg bie :)
Thursday 15 December 2011 | 10:22 | 0 Sweet Cupcake
tngkk DP dya ad nma kitew auw , kembang siott , sygg mangkuk ak :) haha .  DP kitew pon ad nma dya , bkn nya takk dakk . hee ~ btw , nyh lhaa  saharudin bin adullah , sdp auw nma dya , dya takel ak , pda awl bln sbelas smpai skarang , ak hrp ak kkl nan dya , amin ! :) . mls arh nkk tulis pnjang-2 , takk lrdd dh nkk taip , kboii !